Why you should attend the conference ?
This conference will conduct the business of the District: adopt the budget, elect the next leaders, hear the message of the Zonta International President. Club excellence and achievements will be recognized. You will be inspired by ZIF educational award recipients. The conference offers concurrent interactive workshops—be sure to bring at least three from your club so someone can attend each of the work- shops to return with actionable steps for your club.
LEAPing Forward!
Workshops Leadership and Leading the LEAP Forward This workshop will be presented by Elizabeth Woodgate. As a Director and member of the Zonta International Board, Liz has relevant insight to share. All Zontians are leaders from the past, in the present, and/or for the future. The Leadership workshop will be part of the general session, so everyone will be able to participate.
Engage Members
To LEAP Zonta Forward Learn tools & methods of member engagement to leverage the energy, insight, time and talents of members to carry out Zonta’s mission. Participants will learn tools and meth- ods to warmly welcome and engage members in the Zonta community; plan and hold meetings that members really want to attend and actively participate in; build Zonta mission oriented service activities in which all members want to and do participate.
An Advocacy LEAP Into Action
This workshop will engage Zontians to identify comfortable and appropriate actions to advance Zonta’s advocacy mission. Participants will have the opportunity to learn to recognize relevant advocacy opportunities that can build upon or lead to other Zonta club efforts that will move their clubs to make the quantum LEAP to a future where Zontians are a recognized and respected voice for women’s issues in their communities and Zonta is seen as a pre-eminent local group to advance the status of women.
Publicity to LEAP Zonta Into the Future
This workshop will engage Zontians to leverage social and traditional media to communicate Zonta’s mission. Participants will have the opportunity to learn the skills needed to assist their clubs to make the quantum LEAP to a future where Zonta is no longer the world’s best kept secret. We encourage participants to bring their personal laptop, tablet or smart phone to this workshop.