
Zonta Club of Janesville Advocacy Projects

Annual International Women’s Day Luncheon. Every year the Zonta Club of Janesville hosts a luncheon to observe International Women’s Day. This is one of the club’s major events to raise funds to support our local and international service and advocacy projects.

International Women’s Day Advocacy Workshop and Advocacy with State Legislators. On or around International Women‘s, Day club members join with other Wisconsin Zonta Clubs in Madison to receive updates on issues concerning relationship violence, women’s health, sexual assault, human trafficking and other legal issues affecting the empowerment of women in Wisconsin. Zontians learn how to approach members of the State Assembly and Senate on these issues and will then to go the Capitol building or home district offices to meet with legislators and their staff to actively engage them in discussion about women’s issues and needed legislation.

Zonta Says NO to Violence Against Women. To support this Zonta International campaign, our local Zontians participate in and support events such as the YWCA of Rock County’s “Walk a Mile in Her Shoes.”  The club may engage in a social media campaign featuring community leaders sharing why they say no to violence against women.