Our Club
Charter Members of Zonta Club of Oak Brook – January 2012
The Zonta Club of Oak Brook was chartered in 2012 as part of Zonta International –whose international headquarters is also located in Oak Brook, Illinois. Founded in 1919 in New York, Zonta is an international service organization focused on advancing the political, economic, social and educational status of women worldwide. Zontians work throughout the world to address the needs of women at all socio-economic levels. These needs include basic health, education, welfare, and human rights. There are more than 30,000 members in 67 countries.
The Zonta Oak Brook Club is a group of professional women who strive to improve the lives of women throughout the world and in our local community. The club performs several service projects throughout the year, including partnering with Poised for Success to assist with clothing intake and fundraising raffles, supporting Family Shelter Service Shelter, and other key initiatives that benefit the local women of Oak Brook and surrounding areas. Each
Involvement in Zonta enhances each member’s leadership and organizational skills, as well as enriches their personal lives. There are many opportunities to socialize and network nationally and internationally with business and professional women working in many different fields.
The Zonta Club of Oak Brook is proud of its efforts in making a difference in the lives of women and our community. If you are interested in joining our club and supporting our activities, please contact us at

Members Julie and Bobi at 2017 club meeting
oakbrook.zontaclub@gmail.com or visit us on Facebook (FACEBOOK -Zonta Club of Oak Brook )to learn more.
The Zonta Club of Oak Brook:
- provides members opportunities for hands-on service
- advocates on issues affecting the status of women at the local, state, national and worldwide levels
- supports the programs and projects of Zonta International, District 6 and Area 1
- raises funds for local scholarships to support educational opportunities for women
- raises funds for local agencies in the prevention of violence against women
The Zonta Club of Oak Brook has nonprofit status through Zonta Foundation, Inc., a 501(c) 3 corporation.
Zonta Clubs are unique among service organizations for their international ties, opportunities for volunteer service and advocacy for issues affecting the legal, economic, health, educational and professional status of women.
Our strength lies in our local and international member diversity:
- in professions
- in age
- of race
- of cultures