A Big Zonta Welcome to Hilda and Adriana

Our January meeting agenda included an induction of two new members, Adriana Barriga-Green and Hilda Gonzalez. We are proud to welcome such accomplished women into Zonta. Both these women have been supporters of the Zonta mission

Thanks to Membership Chair Anna Weselak and President Barb Yong for a lovely ceremony. Hilda attended our International Women’s Day Breakfast last year and filled out a small form expressing more interest in Zonta. She later attended one of our New and Prospective Member Orientation gatherings. Several members realized that they already knew Hilda through other organizations and community activities. Adriana, a friend of Robin, who casually shared stories about her Zonta activities and experiences. When Robin brought Adriana as a guest to one of  our meetings, it was clear to all that she fit right in with the Zonta mission of “working together to build a better world for women and girls.”

Robin and Adriana

Adriana and Hilda

Hilda, Anna, Adriana, and Barb


Reni represented not only our club as our delegate to the convention, she also carried the proxy voting for other clubs in District 6 who did not have a member in attendance. Mary Nagel served on the Zonta International Bylaws & Resolutions Committee. Mary and Reni told stories about the things they learned and what unique experiences they had with a lot of fun thrown in.  Although Myra Celestin could not be at our January meeting, she, as our District 6 Parliamentarian, played a leading role in the discussions for the voting. So happy and proud to have the three of them in our club!