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International Women’s Day Breakfast – March 8
Please join our Zonta Club of Oak Brook celebrate International Women’s Day. For ticket information e-mail:mailto:
A Big Zonta Welcome to Hilda and Adriana
Our January meeting agenda included an induction of two new members, Adriana Barriga-Green and Hilda Gonzalez. We are proud to welcome such accomplished women into Zonta. Both these women have been supporters of the Zonta mission
Thanks to Membership Chair Anna Weselak and President Barb Yong for a lovely ceremony. Hilda attended our International Women’s Day Breakfast last year and filled out a small form expressing more interest in Zonta. She later attended one of our New and Prospective Member Orientation gatherings. Several members realized that they already knew Hilda through other organizations and community activities. Adriana, a friend of Robin, who casually shared stories about her Zonta activities and experiences. When Robin brought Adriana as a guest to one of our meetings, it was clear to all that she fit right in with the Zonta mission of “working together to build a better world for women and girls.”

Robin and Adriana

Adriana and Hilda

Hilda, Anna, Adriana, and Barb
Reni represented not only our club as our delegate to the convention, she also carried the proxy voting for other clubs in District 6 who did not have a member in attendance. Mary Nagel served on the Zonta International Bylaws & Resolutions Committee. Mary and Reni told stories about the things they learned and what unique experiences they had with a lot of fun thrown in. Although Myra Celestin could not be at our January meeting, she, as our District 6 Parliamentarian, played a leading role in the discussions for the voting. So happy and proud to have the three of them in our club!
Announcing the 2025 Zonta Young Women in Leadership Award
Recognizing young women for their commitment to volunteerism, volunteer leadership achievements and dedication to empowering women worldwide.
The program operates at the Zonta club, district and international levels.
The Zonta Club of Oak Brook offers an award of US$1500. Zonta International offers 37 international awards of US$5,000. Each district may submit one applicant for consideration for an international award. The five largest districts may submit a second applicant for a total of two applicants.
The Zonta Club of Oak Brook application deadline
—————————————————————-28 Feb
Club recipient selected and application is received by governor
—————————————————————-1 April or deadline determined by the district
District recipient selected and application received by Zonta International Headquarters
—————————————————————-1 May
Official announcement of international recipients
—————————————————————-1 July
General Information
The goal of the Zonta Young Women in Leadership Award is to encourage young women to participate in leadership positions by recognizing the candidate’s commitment to the volunteer sector, evidence of volunteer leadership achievements and a dedication to building a better world for women and girls through service and advocacy.
In order for more women to be represented in key decision-making positions worldwide, we must encourage young women to pursue careers or seek leadership positions in public policy making, government and volunteer organizations and further their education with these aims in view.
Who is Eligible?
Women, aged 16-19 on 1st April each year, living in a Zonta district or who are citizens of a Zonta country, who demonstrate evidence of the following, are eligible to apply.
- Active commitment to volunteerism.
- Experience in local government, student government, or workplace leadership (paid or unpaid).
- Volunteer leadership achievements.
- Knowledge of Zonta International and its programs.
- Support for Zonta International’s mission of building a better world for women and girls.
Note that applicants from geographic areas within a Zonta district where no clubs are located may apply via a Zonta e-Club or directly to the district to be eligible for the international awards.
Club members and individuals with direct membership with Zonta International and employees of Zonta International and Zonta Foundation for Women, and their family members (ancestors, descendants, adoptees, siblings, nieces or cousins, and those of their spouse or co-habiting partner), are not eligible to apply for the Awards.
Z club and Golden Z club members are eligible to apply. Previous district and international recipients are not eligible to apply to renew the Award for a second year.
How Do I Apply?
The Zonta Club of Oak Brook application may be downloaded from the club’s website. Note that applications may be submitted to a Zonta club or district in the language(s) accepted by the club of district by the deadline printed on the application. Only typed applications will be accepted and considered.
Application Requirements
- Completion of the official application.
- Verification of current enrollment by school/institute official (if applicable), or ❑ Letter from employer stating employment (if applicable).
- Two recommendations from adults, not related to the applicant, such as teachers, school officials, employee supervisors or community leaders, which must be sent directly to the Zonta club or district and not through the applicant.
Supporting documentation not requested will not be considered. All applications and supporting information become the property of Zonta International. Zonta International has final authority over any aspect of the Awards.
Application Process
The application process must start with a Zonta club. All application materials must be received at a Zonta club by the deadline given by the individual club. The Zonta Club of Oak Brook application may be downloaded from:
In addition to selecting the Zonta Club of Oak Brook’s award recipient, the club will also send the club’s winning application to the Zonta governor representative. A district evaluating committee reviews the applications and selects one applicant per district to submit to Zonta International Headquarters. The five largest districts in terms of Zonta membership may submit a second applicant to Zonta International Headquarters. The Zonta International Headquarters team confirms the eligibility of the applicants put forth by the districts and submits a recommendation to the Zonta International Board (or the Executive Committee acting on its behalf) for final approval. If approved by the Zonta International Board, the Zonta Foundation for Women provides awards and certificates to the international recipients.
How May I Use the Award Funds?
- The Zonta Club of Oak Brook award (US$1500) may only be used for tuition, fees and materials (books, supplies and equipment for required courses ) at a secondary school, college, or university.
- There are no restrictions on the use of the Zonta International award funds.
- Please note: If the applicant is studying at a secondary school, university or college, Zonta International is offering a “scholarship” type of payment to be used for tuition and/or living expenses. Please see below under Tax Considerations.
- Recipients are not permitted to defer the Zonta Young Women in Leadership Award.
- Recipients may accept additional grants and awards from other sources.
Tax considerations for the Zonta International Award
The following considerations will help define which type of payment will fit the applicant’s purposes best.
* “Award”: with no restrictions for use. As an award, it is taxable income under U.S. tax regulations. To comply with the law, all awardees will receive tax forms. Also, according to U.S. tax regulations, 30% of the award must be withheld from awards made to non-U.S. residents. If Zonta International is notified that there is a U.S. tax treaty with the resident’s country, the withholding will be appropriately adjusted.
* “Scholarship”: to be used for tuition, fees and materials (books, supplies and equipment) required for courses at a secondary school, college or university only. As a scholarship to be used for tuition, fees and materials, the income is tax free.
* “Scholarship”: to be used for living expenses while attending a secondary school, college or university. Although tuition and related expenses are tax free, income used for living expenses is considered taxable income. Tax forms will be provided to all awardees, as required. Withholdings range from $ 0 (tax treaty), 14% (appropriate student VISA) to 30% for non-U.S. residents. □ Supplemental awards and scholarships that are paid directly paid by a club or district will follow the tax regulations of their taxing authority (see above, ‘How many I use the Award Funds’ – 1.)
Welcome to Maria and Congratulations to Yemi
Our October meeting exemplified Zonta roles in general; 1) an induction of a new member conducted by President Barb Yong, assisted by Anna Weselak, Membership Chair; 2) a program featuring a long-time Zonta member, a transfer originally from Zonta District 18 Club of Nigeria, Yemi Onibokun; and Peg Dowling, another very experienced Zontian and business owner, introduced our speaker. A very special meeting for all of us!

Maria and Barb

Anna, Maria and Barb
Zonta Club of Oak Brook welcomed Maria Zucchero-Denkov as an official Zonta member. Maria has been advocating for women’s rights and their well-being for a while, on both a personal and a professional level. Maria owns of her own spa services business, focused on wellness for her clients. She participates in many non-profit organizations in her Lombard community and throughout the western suburbs.

Peg and Yemi
Our own Oak Brook member, Olayemi “Yemi” Onibokun, honored us with a program consisting of an introduction and details about how she worked on the book. She answered our questions and passed copies around so we could actually get a hands-on preview. Recently published and available only in Nigeria, but soon to be available on AMAZON. The title is “ THRIVE! Conquer Marital Dystopia and Live Your Dream.”
The book describes the socio-cultural and educational environment of female children in post colonial Nigeria. It examines the system of matrimony , using firsthand experiences and reports from a Focus Group Discussion. It concludes that “when relationships are no longer mutually beneficial; women must stand up, stand tall, adapt, and THRIVE.
Congratulations to our Jane M Klausman Women in Business Winner

Club President Barb Yong and Savannah Jeffreys
Our Zonta Club of Oak Brook welcomed Savannah Jeffreys to our September club meeting, our JMK Women in Business Award recipient as she began her Junior year at Wheaton College in nearby Wheaton, Illinois where she is pursuing a Bachelor Degree with a Business/Economics Major and an Entrepreneurship Minor.
Savannah has been named to the Dean’s List every semester since enrolling at Wheaton.
One of her professors described Savannah’s classwork in a team project where she collaborated with her peers to develop a business idea aimed at decreasing wait times in urgent care emergency room settings. Savannah played a crucial role in this project, conducting extensive research, developing a viable business plan, and presenting the idea with confidence and clarity. Her team was selected to pitch their idea in front of judges and a 250-person audience. Her innovative thinking and strong teamwork skills were instrumental in the success of this project, which received high praise from other entrepreneurs and investors.
As a summer Executive Writing Intern with HOPE International Savannah assisted their CEO and executive team in launching various writing projects, completing blog posts, and learning more about the value of microfinance in breaking the cycle of poverty among the world’s poor.
Beyond her academics, Savannah is a dedicated varsity swimmer and a freelance Harp Soloist, who performs in a variety of venues. She has been an active participant in the Center for Faith and Innovation at Wheaton College, where over the past year she worked with a non-profit “client,” using Agile project management and design thinking skills to create a design brief addressing one of the challenges this organization was facing. She was invited to Europe to present her ideas to this organization in a larger conference setting, where she was able to connect with other industry professionals.
We wish Savannah all the best in her academic journey and pursuing her career goals!
Zonta Club of Oak Brook 2024 Women in STEM Now Award Available
Zonta Club of Oak Brook is now accepting applications for Zonta Club of Oak Brook Women in STEM Award.
The Zonta Club of Oak Brook Women in STEM Award encourages women to pursue education, career opportunities and leadership roles in STEM fields.
The Zonta Club of Oak Brook award recipient receives US$1500.
Application Deadline: September 30,2024.
Click to download: 2024 Zonta Club of Oak Brook Women in STEM Scholarship Application
Before applying, please download and review the important details in the Women in STEM Scholarship – Oak Brook Club Description. Deadline for submitting the application to Zonta Club of Oak Brook is September 30,2024.
Questions may be sent to:
Zonta International Convention – Brisbane, Australia
District 6 was front and center at this Zonta International Convention more than a few moments, including three of our own Oak Brook members.
Thank you to Reni Bankole, one of our brave new members, for serving as our Delegate!
Thank you to Myra Celestin, District 6 Parliamentarian, for keeping us on track with Zonta procedures and protocols!
Thank you, Mary Nagel, for your service with the Zonta USA Caucus. Your heart is always in it!
And, you can lead procedures with clarity and explain sometimes confusing Zonta by-laws like a fellow teammate so the non-lawyers can clearly understand!

Thus, Peg presented our club’s donation to POISED FOR SUCCESS
Executive Director Gail Foster.
To learn more about POISED FOR SUCCESS, visit:

Recycle your computers on June 22, 2024
Recycle Your Desktop/Laptop Computers
Saturday, June 22, 2024
10:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Oak Brook Public Library
(600 Oak Brook Road, Oak Brook, IL 60523)
Sponsored by
Zonta Club of Oak Brook
Scan QR code for more about donating computers:
Compudopt’s Mission:
To provide technology access and education
to under-resourced youth and their communities.
Their programs serve to eliminate limited access to computers, facilitate growth in technical and digital literacy skills, help provide no or low cost high-speed internet options and support the future of youth and their communities.
Compudopt’s program model repairs and refurbishes these tools, keeping them out of landfills and giving them a second life with a young learner without access to technology at home.
Download a poster to share: POSTER
April New Member Orientation Night
On April 29th, our Membership Committee hosted a new member orientation at the always gracious Oak Brook Public Library focused on new members, prospective members, and a mix of experienced members to learn more and share how our club supports the Zonta mission within our club, within our local communities, and how Zonta is structured and governed as a large global organization for more than 100 years. Zonta International programs and projects were introduced and reviewed as well as Zonta Global Initiatives. Zonta International programs and projects were introduced and reviewed. Everyone was introduced to the Zonta International website so they be informed whenever they need to learn more.
Light refreshments were served to render a social and casual setting that invites open discussion.
A wonderful turnout for a Monday night, and plenty of conversations to truly “orient” all who attended.