2014 Area Meetings Energize Zontians

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Energized Women with idea on fireMore than 140 District 6 Zontians participated in Area workshops held in five locations in March and April 2014.  Led by Area Directors with 25 clubs participating, the workshops were interactive, vibrant and energizing.  Highlights included

 Zonta’s involvement with the UN and the recently held Commission on the Status of Women, progress on the UN’s Millennium Development goals and Zonta’s impact through our international service projects, interactive sessions on improving member engagement and local keynote speakers. All clubs gave updates on their activities and successes, which provided ideas and insights for others.

One presentation and one interactive activity are ready for local use at club meetings:

• Presentation: UN’s Millennium Development Goals (MDG’s) and Zonta’s impact

• Interactive activity: Member Engagement – What is it? What does our club do well? What should we do differently?

The interactive, vibrant and energizing workshops were organized and led by Area Directors Brandy Harrington (A1), Donna Neal (A2), Carolyn Stumpf (A3), Julie DelGenio (A4) and Konni Rodeghier (A5). Warm hospitality and hosting was provided by Zonta Clubs of Oak Brook (A1), Beloit (A2), Effingham (A3), Lebanon (A4) and LaSalle-Peru (A5 ).

Governor Linda Hiltabrand provided highlights of the United Nation’s (UN) Commission on the Status of Women held in early March in New York City, noting the active Zonta involvement and our partnership with the UN.

Sally Bean, our District’s Zonta International Foundation Ambassador, educated us on the progress made on UN’s Millennium Development Goals (MDG’s) and Zonta’s impact through our service and ZISVAW (Zonta International Strategies to eliminate Violence Against Women) projects. This presentation would be of interest to Zonta members as a program at your club meetings. The PowerPoint has been emailed to all District Club Presidents and is available on the District 6 website

The Millennium Development Goals and Zonta’s Impact

Lt. Governor & Governor-Elect Donna Conant reported on membership trends both internationally and within District 6. Highlighted was the importance of member engagement. Participants discussed the five factors of member engagement, what their clubs are doing well and wish to continue and areas where clubs could improve to increase member engagement and retention. The worksheet is available for club use.

5 Factors of Member Engagement 2014 Area Mtg handout

Membership levels have been increasing both internationally and in District 6 over the past several months. Our District welcomed a new Z Club in Beloit. Clubs recognized for membership growth over the past year:

Area2: Madison

Area 3: Springfield, Alton-Wood River

Area 4: Frankfort, Fort Wayne

Area 5: Kankakee, Ottawa

Local keynote speakers informed us about pay equity, Zonta Says NO activities, human trafficking legislation in WI, a snap shot of mission work and how gently used professional attire can contribute to interview success, including a collection of professional attire.

The learning, sharing and sisterhood combined for very successful, high energy workshops!