Z Clubs

Image of female face with inscription that says Zonta says no to violence against women.

2020 – 2022 Chair, Janice Corrigan

Zonta Club of Streator

Z and Golden Z Clubs
Since 1948, Zl has continued to support youth through two international service projects. Z Club supports high school students and the Golden Z Club supports college students.  Both provide opportunity to develop leadership skills; explore and advocate for women’s issues; and to participate in community, school and international service projects.  As of 2014 there are 202 Z Clubs and 77 Golden Z Clubs throughout the world.





New Zonta Club of Milwaukee Z Club

Image of female face with inscription that says Zonta says no to violence against women.

On Wednesday, March 29th, the Zonta Club of Milwaukee proudly participated in the chartering ceremony for their new Z Club. Nineteen members of the Milwaukee High School of the Arts Female Empowerment Movement (F.E.M.) Z Club were inducted and officers sworn in under the direction of Susan Harmon, District 6 Z and Golden Z Club Committee Chair. The F.E.M. Z Club Charter was presented to the new club by Tamara Hagen, Governor of District 6.



New Z Club Sponsored by the Zonta Club of Milwaukee

Image of female face with inscription that says Zonta says no to violence against women.

The Z Club of Milwaukee High School of the Arts Female Empowerment Movement was officially chartered on December 19th, 2016. Congratulations go out to the Zonta Club of Milwaukee for sponsoring this new Z Club. Please welcome these new Z Club members and wish them much success in their endeavors.

Kankakee ZClub

Image of female face with inscription that says Zonta says no to violence against women.


The Z Club meets at the Bourbonnais Library on the 3rd Wednesday of each month from 7:00 – 8:00 p.m.

Our Z Club will be assisting the Z Club Committee with the Salvation Army Bell Ringing on December 15th. Thank you to the committee and Z Clubbers!

Pictured below are the students who attended the recent Z Club meeting celebrating their “New Year”. z-club

Joliet ZClub News

Image of female face with inscription that says Zonta says no to violence against women.

Fearless Females ZClub is in full activity mode. We are grateful for their participation in Take Back The Night, Festival of Culture and the women and Girls Health Expo.

Exxon will host ZClub members, Thursday November 3rd for Lunch and Learn 12-12:30 p.m. session with their Professional Women Network, Tricia Simpson will facilitate this meeting. Zontians are invited to attend. RSVP to Ross, helen@comcast.com

Pam Hunte is the November speaker for the ZClub. This talk on Zonta International will initiate the ZClub fundraiser for the international projects. Dave’s coffeecakes are the fundraiser. Order forms will be available at the next meeting.

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