Take a look at the 2014 Fall Conference Gallery for more photos of District 6 Zontians: Make a Difference. . .Build our Future (October 10-12, 2014, Columbus IN)
Many thanks to our Conference photographer Donna Mae Schlueter, with assistance from Michelle Miller, both of the Zonta Club of Mascoutah. They are in the center top photo, on right is Donna Mae, then Michelle. Thank you!
District 6 Zontians: Make a Difference. . .Build our Future
Hosted by Area 4; October 10-12, 2014, Columbus INWarm welcome greetings
Installation of 2014-2016 Board members

Jacqueline Beaudry, Zonta International Foundation centennial fund development chairman and past District 6 Governor installs new Board members. Also pictured – Donna Conant, Governor

District 6 – Installation of new board members: Lori Hanewold, Area 2 Director; Susan Bursztynsky, Area 5 Director; Christina Plotzke, Area 1 Director; Carol Borecky, Treasurer. With Donna Conant, Governor
Speaker: Eleanor Anne Sweet, President/CEO, Sweet Success Expert
Second Business Session: Reports, Awards, Panel Discussion

Credentials Chair Kay Geisler provides the credential report at the opening of each business session
Keynote: Global Perspective

Dr. Bessie House-Soremekun, Director of Africana Studies and Professor of Political Science and Africana Studies at Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis.
Workshops: IQ + EQ = Success; Building Collaboration, Zonta Says NO

Facilitating the Zonta Says NO to Violence workshop are JoAnn Gruber-Hagen, Advocacy Chair and Brandy Harrington, Service Chair, Konni Rodeghier, Public Relations Chair (not pictured)

Cheryl Lucas-DeBerry, Training Manager, MRA–Institute of Management. Cheryl facilitates the Building Collaboration workshop
Honoring our Past Governors
Past Governors Jacqueline Beaudry 2004-2006; Sally Bean 2006-2008; Yvonne Chalfant 2010-2012 and Linda Hiltabrand 2012-2014
And dinner, followed by guest from 1900’s
Thoroughly Modern Addie – 1900’s vintage, returning from a suffrage meeting shared her perspective on the legal status and social “rules” of that era.
She had us on our feet joining her in quoting Susan B Anthony “Failure is impossible!”
Hospitality suite hosted by Zonta Clubs of Lebanon & Fort Wayne
Sunday Morning: Reflections (optional), Memorial Service, Area meetings; Business meeting with reports, approval of goals (unanimous, yeah!) and courtesy resolution

Yvonne Chalfant, Past Governor of Zonta District 6, leads the optional Moments of Reflection on Sunday morning.
Area Directors:
Courtesy Resolution – a tradition