Donna Conant

Donna Conant
District 6 Governor

What a high energy start to the biennium with our District Conference in October! Our passion for Zonta’s vision and making it a reality was evident all weekend.

Club delegates and district leaders unanimously agreed on biennial goals and we’ve made a good start on plans to accomplish them. Working collaboratively we laid the groundwork on Area specific plans for Zonta Says NO to Violence Against Women actions. We agreed to step up our service, advocacy and PR efforts thus increasing our community impact and member engagement. District leaders have also stepped up to provide support and resources (some are listed in the news section), a District fall newsletter and an updated member’s resource section of this website.

Thank you, Zonta members, for investing your time, talents, energy and financial support in working together to make a difference, advance the status of women and build our future. I look forward to seeing our collective impact of the 16 Days of Activism, and Zonta Says NO to Violence Against Women campaigns. I look forward to a successful biennium through an increase in our impact, member engagement and leadership effectiveness.

If you are a Zonta member and would like to share your ideas, suggestions or experiences with me, please email me at If you are interested in Zonta membership, please email our district membership chairman, Lt Governor Tamara Hagen at

Again, thank you for your service, dedication and caring for women and families everywhere.



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