Pictured are the Zonta Club of Milwaukee Scholarship team, Kelsey and Marcy.(Left to Right) Donna Kahl-Wilkerson, Elizabeth Stull, Sandra Miller, Kelsey Palme, Wen Lin, Marcy Berner Reedy, Donna Conant.

After winning local and regional competition, Marquette University Business Administration student Kelsey Palmer was named the recipient of the 2009 Zonta Internationals’ Jane M. Klausman “Women in Business” Scholarship.

Kelsey is one of 12 globally to receive the award in 2009, which was made possible first by winning the Zonta Club of Milwaukee’s Women in Jane M. Klausman scholarship and endorsement for the competition in the three state district – Zonta District 6.

Kelsey Palmer and Marcy Berner-Reedy.

Marcy Berner-Reedy, Director of Area 2 presented to Kelsey the award for District 6 at the Milwaukee Club meeting on 1/27/2010 meeting. Marcy provided and overview of the Jane M. Klausman scholarship – an award honoring women advancing their careers in business while demonstrating strong volunteer service commitments. Governor’s Buffie Kelly was in Liberia on a service mission when she sent her email wishes to Kelsey for success in her studies.