What is Advocacy?

Zonta International’s Advocacy Definition: “Advocacy is the expression of support for or opposition to a cause, argument or proposal. Advocacy may include influencing laws, legislation or attitudes.” Zonta Clubs are urged to express themselves about and become involved in issues which: improve the legal, political, economic, educational, health and professional Read more…

Area 2 – Congratulations Kelsey Palmer Jane M Klausman Scholarship Winner

Pictured are the Zonta Club of Milwaukee Scholarship team, Kelsey and Marcy.(Left to Right) Donna Kahl-Wilkerson, Elizabeth Stull, Sandra Miller, Kelsey Palme, Wen Lin, Marcy Berner Reedy, Donna Conant.

After winning local and regional competition, Marquette University Business Administration student Kelsey Palmer was named the recipient of the 2009 Zonta Internationals’ Jane M. Klausman “Women in Business” Scholarship.
