The Zonta Club of Alton-Wood River held their December meeting on December 18, 2014. It was a great celebration for two reasons. The Club celebrated the holidays, which brings out the best in all people especially Zontians. And they also celebrated the District 6 Jane M. Klausman winner, Jasmine Scott.
Jasmine joined the club’s celebration as she received her JMK certificate and award of $1000. She was very gracious and a real delight to be with that evening. As a student at Eastern Illinois University, she is striving to do great things with her life. She, with the assistance of one of her professors, has started a business. She plans to spend her next semester in Europe studying. The JMK award will go toward making the semester a success.
In the above picture, you can see Jasmine accepting the certificate and check from the Area 3 Director, Elaine Rynders. Elaine also presented Jasmine a $50 check from the Zonta Club of Alton-Wood River.