Donna Conant

Donna Conant
District 6 Governor

District 6 Zontains were very active and visible this fall, both in our communities and on social media, saying NO to violence against women.

As Zontains, we strongly believe in the power of education.  We recently recognized scholarship/fellowship awards winners from Distinct 6: one Jane M. Klausman award recipient and two Amelia Earhart (AE) Fellows. Most clubs are now accepting applications for the 2015 Young Women in Public Affairs Award, and will soon be accepting applications for the 2015 Jane M. Klausman Women in Business District scholarship award.

We are gearing up for our own learning, sharing ideas and successes, as well as  collaborating across Zonta clubs at five Area workshops this March & April. Those who attended recently report these are well worth the one day investment – gaining actionable ideas and high energy to bring back to their clubs. I hope to see you there.

I am inspired by our dedicated professionals in District 6 working together to empower women and girls through service and advocacy.

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