New Beginnings!

Welcome to the 2020-2022 Biennium of Zonta International.  The start of this new Biennium brings us many new things.

  • The start of a new century of Zonta
  • New International Officers and Board Members
  • A new District Governor and District Board Members
  • In some clubs, new club officers
  • A new club year
  • Many new challenges and new opportunities

What an exciting time to be in Zonta!  It all fits perfectly into the Zonta International theme for this biennium which is Transitions, Changes and New Opportunities.

I am honored to be serving as your new District 6 Governor with a fantastic District Board.  Everyone is already hard at work to bring you new programs and fresh ideas for the next two years.  Each board member is dedicated to serve you and help meet your needs.  Please do not hesitate to call on any of us with your questions or to share your ideas and concerns.  Through our District website and newsletters, you will have the chance to meet all the board members and learn what they are planning.  Our goal is to serve you.

Speaking of goals, the District 6 Board has agreed to adopt the Zonta International goals that were approved for this biennium.  There are only three of them and those goals are:

Goal 1:  Programs and Projects:  Education, Violence Against Women and Advocacy

Goal 2:  Membership:  Retention, Recruitment, Leadership

Goal 3:  Financial Resources:  ZI Foundation and Endowment

It is my hope that your club will also adopt these goals, and maybe even a couple of your own.  Let’s get this new century off to a great start!

In the Zonta spirit of Transition,


Anna Weselak, Governor

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