October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. The Zonta Clubs of LaSalle-Peru, Ottawa, and Streator invite all Illinois Valley residents to participate in two upcoming events in recognition this somber occasion: Buckets of Love and Domestic Violence Awareness Luminary.
Buckets of Love: Zonta members are filling buckets with much-needed supplies for the victims of violence to use as they transition from the shelter to new homes without violence. On Saturday, October 13, 2012 from 8am to Noon, Zonta members will be asking shoppers at stores in LaSalle, Spring Valley, Ottawa, and Streator to donate cleaning supplies and paper products to help fill their “Buckets of Love”. The buckets will be donated to a Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault Service Shelter for victims of domestic and sexual violence. You can also drop off donations at Mark Allen’s restaurant on 10th street in Peru, IL from 9-12. Cash donations will also be accepted, as Zonta hopes to raise enough money to help the shelter make necessary upgrades to the shelter kitchen.
Luminary: Zonta Clubs of Ottawa, Streator and LaSalle-Peru Area are joining together in a “Domestic Violence Awareness Luminary” on Thursday, October 25, 2012, at 6:30 p.m. There will be a short walk starting at the Washington Park in downtown Ottawa, IL and ending at the First Congregational Church building across from the park. There will be honored guest speakers and we will recognize local police officers for their contributions to the fight against domestic violence. Following the ceremony, a reception with refreshments will be held.
For further information on either of these events, please contact the Domestic Violence Awareness Chairperson, Susan Bursztynsky at