As Zontians, we strongly believe in the power of education. At our conference we recognized 2015 Zonta award winners from District 6.

Sivaranjani Seetharaman (University of Notre Dame) is presented her Amelia Earhart “wings” by Zonta International (ZI) Director Catherine McEwan (on right); Donna Conant (left) and Dorothy Suther (second from right) extended congratulations on behalf of  District. ZI awarded 35 Amelia Earhart fellowships in 2015 for post graduate studies in the aero-sciences.  (read more:  Amelia Earhart Fellowship )


Ananya Murali (center) is presented with the ZI Young Women in Public Affairs (YWPA) Award Certificate by ZI Director Catherine McEwan (right). Donna Conant (left) presented her with the District YWPA Certificate. Ananya spoke on her activities with leadership and anti-bullying. She has held anti-bullying camps in Wisconsin and India. She was one of 12 girl scouts in the country that were chosen to speak on a panel at the United Nations. (read more:  Young Women in Public Affairs Award )

Pictured are Sandra Anderson, 1993 AE Fellow and member of Zonta Club of Madison (left); Leslie Goddard portraying Amelia Earhart (center); Sivaranjani Seetharaman 2015 AE Fellow (right).


Unable to attend the conference were:

  • Natasha Bosanac from Purdue University – awarded her second Amelia Earhart Fellowship.
  • Kosovka Spreca from Alverno College in Milwaukee, WI. is the recipient of the District’s Jane M. Klausman award. (Read more: Jane M. Klausman Women In Business Scholarship )