Zonta clubs planning campaign activities:
Equal rights and a life free of violence is NOT a women’s issue. It is a societal issue that has to be solved by women and men working together to achieve common goals. Most District 6 Zonta Clubs are planning to participate in the Zonta Says No to Violence Against Women campaign during the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence November 25th to December 10th, 2014.
Resources for Zonta Clubs:
New and updated Zonta Says NO to Violence Against Women campaign materials are available on the Zonta Says NO website. http://zontasaysno.com/advocacy-tools/
The five District 6 Area (draft) plans for integrated advocacy-service and PR Zonta Says NO to Violence Against Women efforts that were started at the Fall Conference are on this website for clubs to use in their action planning. (see District 6 Resources> from the governor)