VAWA Debate Continues in U.S. Senate

Senate rejects Coburn-amendment to VAWA on tribal jurisdiction

By Ramsey Cox – 02/11/13 06:28 PM ET
“The Senate rejected an amendment Monday that would have removed a provision in the reauthorization to the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) to give Native American tribes jurisdiction over non-tribal members that commit assaults against Native Americans. (more…)

Senate Votes to Proceed to Work on VAWA bill

By Ramsey Cox – 02/04/13 06:09 PM ET

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The Senate voted 85-8 to proceed to the consideration of a bill reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) on Monday, February 4, 2013. The Senate will resume work on S. 47, which stalled last year over differences between the House and Senate versions, on Thursday after the Senate returns from a two-day retreat.  (more…)

Golden Z Club Chartered at the University of Illinois

Back row l-r: Suzanne Leeke District 6 Golden Z Chair, Carolyn Stump Area 3 Director,  Kelley Jacobsen, Ashley Zamora, Lissette Magana, Susan Harmon Zonta Club of Lincoln President, Linda Hiltabrand District 6 Governor. Front row l-r: Rachel Wrzek, Valerie O’Brien, Elizabeth Kahle, Audrey Maske.

Back row l-r: Suzanne Leeke District 6 Golden Z Chair, Carolyn Stump Area 3 Director, Kelley Jacobsen, Ashley Zamora, Lissette Magana, Susan Harmon Zonta Club of Lincoln President, Linda Hiltabrand District 6 Governor.
Front row l-r: Rachel Wrzek, Valerie O’Brien, Elizabeth Kahle, Audrey Maske.

On October 27, 2012 the Golden Z Club of the University of Illinois held its Charter Presentation. Zonta International officially chartered the club on September 13, 2012. The club is the first Golden Z Club in District 6.
