Women’s March on Washington

The Women’s March on Washington D.C. will take place on Saturday, January 21, the day after the inauguration. This is an opportunity to show support for women’s issues and women’s rights, regardless of political persuasion. This event is supported by Zonta International. Further information and registration can be found at Read more…

Why Gender Equality Stalled by Stephanie Coontz,The New York Times

February 17, 2013 

THIS week is the 50th anniversary of the publication of Betty Friedan’s international best seller, “The Feminine Mystique,” which has been widely credited with igniting the women’s movement of the 1960s. Readers who return to this feminist classic today are often puzzled by the absence of concrete political proposals to change the status of women. But “The Feminine Mystique” had the impact it did because it focused on transforming women’s personal consciousness. In 1963, most Americans did not yet believe that gender equality was possible or even desirable. Conventional wisdom held that a woman could not pursue a career and still be a fulfilled wife or successful mother. Normal women, psychiatrists proclaimed, renounced all aspirations outside the home to meet their feminine need for dependence. In 1962, more than two-thirds of the women surveyed by University of Michigan researchers agreed that most important family decisions “should be made by the man of the house.” (more…)

Federal Judges Strikes Age Restrictions for Plan B Over the Counter Emergency Contraception

Feminist Majority Foundation  April 05, 2013

U.S. District Judge Edward Korman ruled on Friday morning that the morning-after-pill or “Plan B” must be made available over the counter for any girl, regardless of her age. The decision comes as part of a lawsuit against the federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) by reproductive rights organizations to remove the age and sales restrictions on emergency contraception. (more…)