Sen. Ben Cardin has decided to join others in a Resolution to extend the Equal Rights Amendment ratification deadline rather than pursue his three-state strategy. Please see Sen. Mikulski’s website for the full details:
Here are lists of Representatives and Senators in District 6 who have endorsed this Resolution thus far:
Gutierrez, Luis [D-IL4], Moore, Gwen [D-WI4] and Schakowsky, Janice “Jan” [D-IL9]
SENATORS: Baldwin, Tammy [D-WI], Durbin, Richard [D-IL] and Kirk, Mark [R-IL]
The article goes on to say that “numerous groups have endorsed the Cardin-Kirk resolution, including United 4 Equality, National Council of Women’s Organizations, American Association of University Women, Business & Professional Women’s Foundation (BPWF), Federally Employed Women (FEW) and US Women’s Chamber Commerce (USWCC).