Zonta Rose Day, which coincides with International Women’s Day on 8 March, is a day to reflect on the voluntary work done by Zontians empowering women worldwide.

yellow rose 1We invite you to celebrate Zonta Rose Day by making a donation to the Zonta International Rose Fund in honor of someone who has made an impact in your life. By honoring a family member, friend, colleague or mentor who has positively impacted your life with this donation, you will continue supporting projects and programs that help women achieve a life free of violence and empower them to overcome gender barriers that hinder their access to health, education and professional advancement.

When you donate to the Rose Fund between 5 February and 6 March 2015, we will email your honoree a virtual yellow rose bouquet and your special message to let them know that they have made a difference in your life.

To make your donation to the Rose Fund, follow these easy steps:
Go to www.zonta.org/donate.
Designate a gift amount and choose the Rose Day Fund in the dropdown menu. Then click, “add donation.”
Enter additional information, billing information, payment information, your tribute recipient’s first and last name, and add your personal message in the description box.
Check the box, “mail a letter on my behalf to” and enter your tribute recipient’s address.
Click “Donate Now” at the bottom of the page.

If you prefer to mail in your donation, download the mail-in contribution form.

For assistance, or if you have any questions, please contact Zonta International Development Manager Bonnie Wolinski at bwolinski@zonta.org or call 1+630-928-1400, ext. 222.

The Zonta International Foundation is a 501c3 organization registered in the United States; contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by USA law. No goods or services were provided in exchange for this contribution. Please retain this receipt for your USA tax records. Tax deductibility outside of the USA is dependent on local tax regulations.

© 2015 Zonta International Foundation. All Rights Reserved.