District 6 Honors Members
At the 2015 District Fall Conference, Members who had reached hallmark years of service to Zonta International were recognized with a photo display. These photos are now available for review in the Photo Gallery.
At the 2015 District Fall Conference, Members who had reached hallmark years of service to Zonta International were recognized with a photo display. These photos are now available for review in the Photo Gallery.
Zonta Rose Day, which coincides with International Women’s Day on 8 March, is a day to reflect on the voluntary work done by Zontians empowering women worldwide. We invite you to celebrate Zonta Rose Day by making a donation to the Zonta International Rose Fund in honor of someone who Read more…
The Zonta Club of Alton-Wood River held their December meeting on December 18, 2014. It was a great celebration for two reasons. The Club celebrated the holidays, which brings out the best in all people especially Zontians. And they also celebrated the District 6 Jane M. Klausman winner, Jasmine Scott. Jasmine Read more…
Celebrate AE Month this January Help women get their wings. Use the materials below to celebrate Amelia Earhart month this January. Honor Amelia by sharing information about our AE Fellowship to women in aerospace-related sciences or aerospace-related engineering or make your donation today to the Amelia Earhart Fund. Today, women remain Read more…
Zonta clubs planning campaign activities: Zonta Says NO to Violence Against Women New Resources for Zonta Clubs
Zonta clubs planning campaign activities:
Equal rights and a life free of violence is NOT a women’s issue. It is a societal issue that has to be solved by women and men working together to achieve common goals. Most District 6 Zonta Clubs are planning to participate in the Zonta Says No to Violence Against Women campaign during the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence November 25th to December 10th, 2014.
Resources for Zonta Clubs:
New and updated Zonta Says NO to Violence Against Women campaign materials are available on the Zonta Says NO website. http://zontasaysno.com/advocacy-tools/
The five District 6 Area (draft) plans (more…)
These resources can be found on this website under District 6 Resources. District 6 goals for the 2014-2016 biennium (Resources from the Governor) Club Vitality/Membership Survey (Resources: membership) 5 Steps to Increasing Your Zonta Fundraising: PowerPoint and worksheet from District 6 Fall Conference by Eleanor Sweet. This also includes an Read more…
First time attending a Fall Conference? Take a moment to look through this orientation packet…. First_Timers_Orientation_2014 Attending the conference as a delegate or alternate? Here are some facts you should know… Delegate and Alternate Fact Sheet
**Please note** the following correction to the Call: The correct phone number for the conference hotel is 812-526-8600. We apologize for this error.
All but one of our 26 clubs were represented at the 62nd Zonta International Convention held June 26-July 2nd in Orlando, Fl, 22 of which had delegates attending, with three represented by proxy. District 6 had one of the largest delegations, with about 60 attending, out of almost 1600 members Read more…